The Wedding Of

Zera & Irfan

AUGUST, 24TH 2024


The Wedding Of

Zera & Irfan

AUGUST, 24TH 2024

Zera & Irfan Wedding's

“And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquility in them, and He placed between you affection and mercy. Indeed in that are signs for a people who give thought.”
(Q.S Ar-Rum: 21)

Two Become One

By asking for the Grace and Ridho Allah SWT, we would like to invite you to attend our wedding.

Salsabila Zera Pharresia

The First Daughter of
Mr. Andy Kusyandi Riandhani
Mrs. Nurkasih

Muhammad Ahlul Irfan

The First Son of
Mr. Kadya Purnama
Mrs. Dwi Rahayu

Our Love Story

First Meeting

As concertgoers, the 2019 Soundrenaline at GWK was a turning point in our lives, as it was where we crossed paths for the very first time. Amidst the crowd and booming beats, one of our close friends (a cupid in disguise) worked wonders. Along with fate, witnessed by the statue of Garuda Wisnu Kencana, they connected us together.

Bumpy Rides

Ah, the ups and downs! As COVID struck, we found ourselves drifting apart. But we kept going. In 2020, we met again over a delightful early dinner at Mangut Lele Mbah Marto. Things started looking up from there!

Officially Us

On August 24, 2020, at Zero Kilometer Point in Yogyakarta, we decided to make it official. Our long-distance relationship took us from Magelang-Mataram, all the way to South Tangerang-Nunukan. Taking another step forward, we got engaged in Pekalongan on December 25, 2023.

At last, we tied the knot on August 24, 2024, marking four wonderful years of our journey together.

Save The date

Zera & Irfan wedding day


Akad Nikah


AUGUST, 24TH 2024


Grand Dian Hotel Pekalongan
Jl. A. Yani No.44, Bener, Kec. Wiradesa, Kabupaten Pekalongan, Jawa Tengah



AUGUST, 24TH 2024

11.00 – 13.00 WIB

Grand Dian Hotel Pekalongan
Jl. A. Yani No.44, Bener, Kec. Wiradesa, Kabupaten Pekalongan, Jawa Tengah


Wedding Gift

Your presence is a present in itself. But if you do wish to give us something else, please tap the button down below for further information:


Instagram Filter

Let’s help us capture this special moment by using the Instagram filters we have provided for posts on Instagram Stories by clicking the button below.

QR Check in

Show the QR code for checking in to the location for the officer to scan it because the data is integrated with the digital guestbook system. Click the following button to download the QR code.

Thank You

It is a pleasure and honor for us, if you are willing to attend and give us your blessing.

Zera & Irfan

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Wedding Gift

Please send a gift via the following account number :


Salsabila Zera Pharresia



Muhammad Ahlul Irfan


QR E-Invitation

Please screenshot or download the QR code below as an entry pass at the event location.

The Wedding Of

Zera & Irfan

Saturday, August 24th 2024


Guest Name

Please show this QR Code to the officer at the event location. Scan QR Code is used to record attendance and exchange souvenirs.
