Yusuf & Tryas

Dear, :

The Wedding Of

Yusuf & Tryas

06 Juli 2024

With Love

“And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquility in them, and He placed between you affection and mercy. Indeed in that are signs for a people who give thought.”
(Q.S Ar-Rum: 21)


Groom and Bride

The pleasure of your company is requested
at the marriage of :

Yusuf Efendi, S.Tr.Pel

The Son of  :
Mr. Fahrudin
Mrs. Sri Warniyati


Tryas Tuti Ahmad, S.I.Kom

The Daughter of :
Mr. Ahmad Damanhuri 
Mrs. Asriah

Ngunduh Mantu

Saturday, 06 Juli 2024
 10.00 WIB – Finish

 Trajon Rt : 01 / Rw : 05 Bojasari, Kec. Kertek, Kab. Wonosobo


Minggu, 12 Juni 2023
11.00-14.00 WIB

The Papandayan
Jl. Gatot Subroto No.83, Bandung

Our Gallery

Aku tidak menginginkan langit atau bintang jatuh. Aku tidak menginginkan batu permata atau emas yang bersinar. Yang aku inginkan adalah, tangan yang kokoh. Jiwa yang baik hati. Di dalam dirimu.

Live Streaming

Mengingat pandemi Covid-19, kami tidak dapat mengundang semuanya secara langsung. Penting bagi kami akan keselamatan semua, jadi kami mengajak Anda untuk bergabung pada momen spesial kami secara virtual melalui Live Streaming berikut:

Wedding Gift

Please send a gift via the following account number, digital wallet or shipping address:

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  • 00Hours
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  • 00Seconds


Please help us prepare everything better by confirming your attendance at our wedding event with the following RSVP form:

Wedding Wish

Leave us your beautiful wishes and most sincere prayers here as we are so excited to embark on this new journey together:

Our Love Story

First Meet

The destiny of love is indeed a divine secret-
Like the story of me and Tryas, after 5 years of knowing us we finally met at the end of 2022, at the beginning of our meeting we already felt something was different but we realized that at that time we still had a partner.

Two Become One

And in the end we were just close without any certainty about each other. And finally in mid-2023 I made up my mind that Tryas was the one, that she was the woman I wanted to be my wife and mother of my children.
Finally I proposed to her in February 2024 and we got married in May 2024. Hopefully our marriage can continue to be happy until death do us part. Amen

Instagram Filter

Mari bantu kami mengabadikan momen spesial ini dengan cara menggunakan filter Instagram yang telah kami sediakan untuk postingan di Instagram Stories dengan klik tombol di bawah.


Tunjukan QR code untuk check in lokasi kepada petugas agar discan/dipindai karena data terintegrasi dengan sistem buku tamu digital. Klik tombol berikut untuk mengunduh QR code.

Protokol Kesehatan

Untuk menjaga acara pernikahan ini aman dari resiko penularan Covid-19, mohon simak anjuran berikut sebelum anda hadir ke lokasi:

Memakai Masker

Menggunakan masker ketika acara berlangsung

Cuci Tangan

Mencuci tangan atau menggunakan Handsanitizer

Jaga Jarak

Menjaga jarak antar tamu undangan yang hadir

Cek Suhu Badan

Cek suhu badan sebelum memasuki lokasi

See you on our happy day

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Wedding Gift

Silakan kirim tanda kasih melalui nomor rekening, dompet digital atau alamat pengiriman berikut :


Nama pemilik rekening



Yusuf Efendi



Nama pemilik akun


Send a Gift

Yusuf Efendi

Address : Trajon RT : 01 / RW : 05 Bojasari, Kec. Kertek, Kab. Wonosobo


Shipment Confirmation

Please confirm in the column below to facilitate data collection:

QR E-Invitation

Silakan screenshot atau download QR code di bawah sebagai entry pass di lokasi acara.

The Wedding Of

Artha & Qia

Minggu, 12 Desember 2022

Kepada Yth.


Nama Tamu

Silakan tunjukkan QR Code ini kepada penerima tamu undangan di lokasi acara. Scan QR Code digunakan untuk mencatat kehadiran dan menukarkan souvenir.
