The Wedding Of

Willis & Faryn


The Wedding Of




12 . 10 . 24

Our Journey

“Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in the one body. And be thankful.”
Colossians 3:14-15

With Love

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

1 Corinthians 13:4-7

Groom & Bride

The pleasure of your company is requested
at the marriage of


Willis Alphane

Eldest Son of
Mr. Alphane Wongso
Mrs. Chanda Kusala


Elfrida Faryn

Youngest Daughter of
Mr. Tja Kiong Hoei
Mrs. Ignasia Halim

Save The Date

“I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you. I love you not only for what you have made of yourself, but for that you are making of me.”



Wedding Event

By the grace of God, we are pleased to announce our wedding to you, our family, and our friends. We request the honor of your presence on our special day that will be held on:

Holy Matrimony


OCTOBER, 12th 2024

10.00 WIB

Gereja Stasi St. Polikarpus
Jl. Dr. Nurdin IV No.5, Grogol Petamburan, Jakarta Barat



OCTOBER, 12TH 2024

18.00 WIB

Ritz-Carlton Mega Kuningan Jakarta Grand Ballroom
Jl. DR. Ide Anak Agung Gde Agung No.1, Mega Kuningan, Jakarta

Wedding Gift

Your presence is a present in itself. But if you do wish to give us something else, please tap the button down below for further information:


Please help us prepare everything better by confirming your attendance at our wedding event with the following RSVP form:

Love Story

During COVID-19 pandemic, 2021, when the world was masked and distanced, we found an unexpected new community through Clubhouse. After several group gathering, our chemistry was palpable. We quickly became close friends, our bond strengthening with each passing day. We supported each other through the uncertainties of the pandemic, finding comfort in our growing relationship.

However, our journey was not without challenges, we came from different backgrounds and had distinct personalities. Despite these differences, we’ve learned the importance of compromise and open communication. Each challenge we faced together has made our bond stronger.

Our story born during a global pandemic and overcame all obstacles. Our commitment to each other and our ability to navigate through challenges together led us to a beautiful decision to spend the rest of our lives together. March 2023, Willis proposed and since then we began to plan our wedding, and delighted if you could join us in celebrating our love and marriage.

Instagram Filter

Let’s help us capture this special moment by using the Instagram filters we have provided for posts on Instagram Stories by clicking the button below.

Qr Check in

Show the QR code for checking in to the location for the officer to scan it because the data is integrated with the digital guestbook system. Click the following button to download the QR code.

Best Wishes

Leave us your beautiful wishes and most sincere prayers here as we are so excited to embark on this new journey together:

Thank You

It is a pleasure and honor for us, if you are willing to attend and give us your blessing.

Willis & Faryn

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© 2024 Tibra Digital. All rights reserved.

Wedding Gift

Please send a gift via the following account number :


Faryn Chahyana



Willis Alphane



Willis Alphane


Shipment Confirmation

Please confirm in the column below to facilitate data collection:

QR E-Invitation

Please screenshot or download the QR code below as an entry pass at the event location.

The Wedding Of

Willis & Faryn

Saturday, October 12th 2024


Guest Name

Please show this QR Code to the officer at the event location. Scan QR Code is used to record attendance and exchange souvenirs.
