“And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquility in them, and He placed between you affection and mercy. Indeed in that are signs for a people who give thought.”
(Ar-Rum: 21)
The pleasure of your company is requested
at the marriage of
Adilah Sabrina Hasnatika
The Daughter of :
Mr. R. Ichlas Basuki – Mrs. Krispatmiati (Almh)
Mrs. Hj. Rr. Erriani Dewi
Surya Aditya Prasetyo
The Son of :
Mr. Hery Prasetyo (Alm)
Mrs. Nur Widya Prasasti
Turut mengundang
kami yang berbahagia,
Hj. Rr. Erriani Dewi
Wedding Event
Together with the blessing of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala, we joyfully invite you to share in our happiness as we unite in marriage on
07.00 WIB
Graha Sativa Surabaya
Jl. Ahmad Yani No.146-148,
Kec. Gayungan, Surabaya,
Jawa Timur
10.00 – 13.00 WIB
Graha Sativa Surabaya
Jl. Ahmad Yani No.146-148,
Kec. Gayungan, Surabaya,
Jawa Timur
Video Gallery
Wedding Gift
Your presence is a present in itself. But if you do wish to give us something else, please tap the button down below for further information:
Please help us prepare everything better by confirming your attendance at our wedding event with the following RSVP form:
All along there was some invisible string, tying you to me.
Starting as a friends on college, we decided to go on holiday together to Yogyakarta. He sent a private chat because we’re getting along after the holidays. At first, we were not anticipating any romantic feelings. After that, we start the process of getting to know each other.
We began communicating and meeting frequently.
It only took two weeks of courting stage, then he confess his feelings and we decided to began a relationship.
After several years of dating, we became convinced that we were meant to be together, so Adit gave us promise rings to start our commitment.
After 5 years of relationships, through up and down finally we gather the courage to get married, live life together to go through the happiness and challenges of life together until death do us part.
Let’s help us capture this special moment by using the Instagram filters we have provided for posts on Instagram Stories by clicking the button below.
Show the QR code for checking in to the location for the officer to scan it because the data is integrated with the digital guestbook system. Click the following button to download the QR code.
Leave us your beautiful wishes and most sincere prayers here as we are so excited to embark on this new journey together: