The Wedding Of

Stella & Satryo

11 | 02 | 2023


The Wedding Of

Stella & Satryo

11 | 02 | 2023

It is an honor for us to announce the happy news today. We hope that Mr/Ms/Mrs will attend in person on our wedding day.

The Bride

Styella Fitriana Adiningrum, S.H.

The Daughter of  Mr. Ir. H. Rudy Bambang Hendrito
& Mrs. Hj. Esty Handayani Yuniningrum

The Groom

Mohamad Satryo Pramahardi, S.Kom.

The Son of  Mr. Ir. H. Hary Hardiman Sunarso
& Mrs. dr. Hj. Sri Pinantari H. Sajogjono, M.Kes.

Wedding Event


Saturday, February 11th 2023

08.00 WIB

Masjid Agung At-Tin
Jl. Raya Taman Mini Pintu 1, No. 3, RW 3, Pinang Ranti, Makasar, Kota Jakarta Timur


Saturday, February 11th 2023

11.00 WIB

Masjid Agung At-Tin
Jl. Raya Taman Mini Pintu 1, No. 3, RW 3, Pinang Ranti, Makasar, Kota Jakarta Timur

Save The Date

Count The Date

“And one of His signs is that He created mates for you from yourselves that you may find rest in them, and He put between you love and compassion; most surely there are signs in this for a people who reflect.”

(QS Ar-Rum : 21)

  • 00Days
  • 00Hours
  • 00Minutes
  • 00Seconds

Our Gallery

“Happy marriages begin when we marry the ones we love, and they blossom when we love the ones we marry.”

Wedding Gift

Your blessing prayer is a gift that means a lot to us. But if giving is an expression of love, you can give gifts cashless.

Send Gift

Stella Adiningrum

Alamat : Jl. Swadaya II, No. 99, RT 08/01, Jaticempaka, Pondok Gede, Kota Bekasi 17411


Mohamad Satryo Pramahardi

Alamat : Jl. Danau Towuti, Blok E5, No. 14, Tegallega, Bogor Tengah, Kota Bogor 16129



Your presence will be a great honor for us and our families. Please confirm your presence via the reservation form below:

Instagram Filter

Let's help us capture this special moment by using the Instagram filters that we have provided for posting on Instagram Stories by clicking the button below.


Show the QR code for check-in location to the officer to be scanned/scanned because the data is integrated with the digital guest book system. Click the following button to download the QR code.

Video Gallery

Our Love Story


First Encounter

Introduced through a mutual friend and became friends. For the first 2 years, she was with someone else, but he was the one she told her stories to. As if the heart knew to whom it belongs to.



Being friends for 2 years, he has always been there for her and the kindness finally stole her heart. She confessed her feelings and they became a couple. At the beginning of the relationship, he was aloof, yet overtime he was the first one who fell in love deeply.



After another 2 years of laughter and tears, anger and love, they decided to tie the knot, introducing the whole family and sharing their joy as they finally engaged.

“Two becomes one not because of the right timing, but because they’re the right person for eachother. Be it in the past, present, or future, the right person will always be the right person, because the right person is timeless.”

Best Wishes

Send your messages and best wishes to both of us.

Health Protocol

It’s important to us that everyone stays safe, please read carefully our Wedding Day Covid-19 Guidance before attending the event:

Wear a Mask

Wash Your Hand

Physical Distancing

Temperature Check

It is a pleasure and honor for us, if you are willing to attend and give us your blessing.



Stella & Satryo

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© 2022 Tibra Digital. All rights reserved.

QR E-Invitation

Please screenshot or download the QR code below as an entry pass at the event location.

The Wedding Of

Stella & Satryo

Saturday, February, 11th 2023


Nama Tamu

Please show this QR Code to the invited guests at the event location. Scan QR Code is used to record attendance and exchange souvenirs.


Wedding Gift

Please send a token of love via the following account number, digital wallet or delivery address:


a/n Styella Fitriana Adiningrum



a/n Mohamad Satryo Pramahardi



a/n Stella Adiningrum



a/n Stella Adiningrum


Shipping Confirmation

Please confirm in the column below to facilitate data collection: